Get an idea of our fees for expert legal advice and representation. We are committed to providing competitive pricing without compromising on quality.
Transparent Prices for Peace of Mind
At Adamson Law we pride ourselves on our competitive prices. We have provided expert legal to a large community of people, at a reasonable price, leaving them happy and delighted with the affordability.
Get a Tailored Price
Get an indication of our costs below. Alternatively, contact us to obtain a more accurate price tailored to your case.
We are unable to provide any indication of the costs for our Commercial Services due to the number of variables in each case. To gain an insight into the tailored fees for your case please contact a member of the team.
Residential Fees
Legal Fees Start from £750 + VAT
inc. Sale of Property, Land Sale
If the property is Leasehold or there is a freehold estate charge, you will also need to budget for Management Company/Landlord’s fees for providing a Sales pack. The costs of this varies substantially dependent upon the Management Company/Managing Agent or Landlord.
Legal Fees Start from £750 + VAT
inc. Purchase of Property, Land Purchase, New Builds, Declaration of Trust, ISA accounts
If the property is Leasehold or there is a Freehold Estate Charge there are likely to be additional charges for Notice of Transfer and Charge fees/Deed of Covenant Fees/Certificate of Compliance Fees. These are fees which are set by the Management Company/Managing Agent/Landlord and can vary substantially from one development to another. We will not be able to advise on these fees until we have received a draft Contract pack and Management Pack.
Legal Fees Start from £400 + VAT
Legal Fees Start from £500 + VAT
As there are so many variables with a transfer of equity, we would to tailor costs according to the nature of the transfer.